Whether it’s the issues we face today, or the challenges going forward, we believe there could be no stronger candidate in the race to lead us than Vice President Joe Biden. From his powerful role in the Obama administration to his years as a Senator from Delaware. But, before he can lead, we need to stand behind him.
10. On Election Day 2008, an amazing 25 percent of Barack Obama voters were already directly linked to him through social media, including blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites, according to the Nation. Putting aside politics and just considering the election from a marketing standpoint, I am absolutely convinced that Obama won the U.S. presidential election because he was the candidate who most strongly embraced social media. Way back before he even declared himself a candidate, Obama and his staff and volunteers jumped into the online world. (Textbook, Chapter 5)
Our VP Joe Biden is one of the most progressive VP in the history and we truly bevelive he can leads us in the future.
Forget the so-called gaffes and the late night comics jokes; Joe Biden is smart and singularly prepared to be President. As a Senator he was in the middle of most of the significant domestic and foreign policy issues of the last 30 plus years. He would also be respected by the Republicans. Senator John McCain called Vice President Biden one of the most consequential Vice Presidents ever. Senator Lindsey Graham gushed to the point of tearing up when talking about his personal affection for the Vice President despite their serious philosophical disagreements. Even Strom Thurmond had Joe Biden give his eulogy. This country is horribly divided. If a President Biden was able to at least talk with the Republican leadership in Congress we could begin to heal as a nation. Internationally, other than President Obama, there is no more respected or beloved figure than Joe Biden.
Joe Biden deserves it. There has been no more loyal friend and defender of this President. Also Joe Biden provided the needed Washington experience to a very green president in the early years. Both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have credited Vice President Biden for the intstances the Administration was able to work successfully with Congress.
18. You must do the same thing with your buyer personas. What do you want each group to believe about your organization? What messages will you use to reach them on the web? Remember, the best information is not just about your product. What is each buyer persona really buying from you? Is it great customer service? The safe choice? Luxury? For example, Volvo doesn't just sell a car; it sells safety. (Textbook, Chapter 11)
18. You must do the same thing with your buyer personas. What do you want each group to believe about your organization? What messages will you use to reach them on the web? Remember, the best information is not just about your product. What is each buyer persona really buying from you? Is it great customer service? The safe choice? Luxury? For example, Volvo doesn't just sell a car; it sells safety. (Textbook, Chapter 11)
Bernie Sanders is running to the far left of the Obama legacy in a way that will not likely be successful in a general election. Hillary Clinton is picking and choosing where she agrees with the Obama Administration and on some issues, like the Keystone Pipeline, is refusing to take a position. Only Joe Biden would provide a full-throated defense, in logic and spirit, of what arguably has been a Presidency as significant as FDR and LBJ on social programs and as important as Reagan in recalibrating the political debate of this country. Secretary Clinton may try to split the difference in defending this Administration. Both President Obama and the nation deserve better. Once and for all let there be a vote on Obama-Biden versus whoever the Republicans nominate. The best person to lead that debate is Joe Biden. Go look on youtube and she how good he was in the 2008 primary and how he easily dispatched Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the vice presidential general election debates. As a bonus, Joe Biden would be a happy warrior in the mold of Hubert Humphrey. In the era of Toxic Trump wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a candidate who talked up America rather than talking down to Americans?
19. And don't forget that different buyer personas buy different things from your organization. Think about Gatorade for a moment. For competitive athletes, Gatorade has been the drink of choice for decades. I found some interesting messages on the Gatorade website,including “If you want to win, you've got to replace what you lose” and “For some athletes, significant dehydration can occur within the initial 30 minutes of exercise.” These are interesting messages, because they target the buyer persona of the competitive athlete and focus on how Gatorade can help those athletes win.(Textbook, Chapter 11)
19. And don't forget that different buyer personas buy different things from your organization. Think about Gatorade for a moment. For competitive athletes, Gatorade has been the drink of choice for decades. I found some interesting messages on the Gatorade website,including “If you want to win, you've got to replace what you lose” and “For some athletes, significant dehydration can occur within the initial 30 minutes of exercise.” These are interesting messages, because they target the buyer persona of the competitive athlete and focus on how Gatorade can help those athletes win.(Textbook, Chapter 11)
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