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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Together, We Go Further - Joe Biden 2016 Presidential Campaign
Joe Biden 2016 Presidential Campaign - Together, We go further.
We use family element as our main point to promote Joe Biden for his 2016 presidential campaign.
Scene #1. VO: We love each other, we help each other, we trust each other, we work hard for the family. We know when we are together, we can go further.
We use family element as our main point to promote Joe Biden for his 2016 presidential campaign.
Scene #1. VO: We love each other, we help each other, we trust each other, we work hard for the family. We know when we are together, we can go further.
Scene #2. VO: Family is the most important thing in the world.
Scene #3. VO: Everyday in America, we share love with each other. We believe we are the best.
Scene #4. VO: Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
Scene #5. VO: We give our best to the family, like Americans, we provide the best to our citizens. Jobs, education, medicals and everything.
Scene #6. VO: Together, we go further. (Happy, Vol up x 2)
Scene #7. VO: Together, we go further. (Happy, Vol up x 3)
Scene #8. VO: Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. We, Americans are united together as a family to go further. I'm Joe Biden, I'm ready to earn your vote.
Scene #9. End of campaign.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Final Project: Analysis of the project in the real world
After Joe Biden's 2016 draft twitter and blog are online, we have received many followers and many views on twitter and blogs. We can easily tell from that Americans have a lot of confidence on Biden for 2016 president election. We have got many useful informations such as demographic, age groups, classes and races. 12. Every day, on blogs, podcasts, video, and Twitter, people promote and pan products. Consumers tell good and bad tales in which products and services play a starring role. Sadly, most companies are clueless about what's going on with the social web. At a minimum, marketing professionals need to know immediately when their brand names or executives are mentioned. Beyond mention-counting, analysis is important. What are the significant trends in words and phrases currently popular, as they relate to your organization, product, and industry? On the day that the Diet Coke and Mentos experiments went viral, there was a tenfold spike in the number of blog posts mentioning Mentos. If you follow the word Mentos, you'd want to know what was going on, so you could either respond to the crisis or leverage the positive development. (Textbook Chapter 8)
We use twitter listen and learn, find out what's going on with our voters and what's our voters comments.
We keep updates our twitter with Biden's new movement and news to increase his impact and communicate with our followers. Extend to reach even further potential voters from other parties.
We breaks down the barriers and enables us to connect with anyone. This is a great way to starting discussions with Bidens and make him more valuable.
13. When I speak with people about the ideas of real-time marketing and public relations, they understand that our access to today's communications tools means we can communicate immediately. Twitter allows instant dialogue with buyers. Blog posts help you get your ideas into the marketplace right now. And monitoring tools like Google Alerts and TweetDeck provide up-to-the-second knowledge of what people are saying about you, your company, and its products. (Textbook Chapter 10)
What are we need continuing to do?
Consider the characteristics of your potential voters. Then use those characteristics to guide your choice of targeting options so that you can reach your most receptive audience.
Voters based on: Interests, Followers and Tailored voters (Geography, language and gender)
18.Successful online marketing and PR efforts work because they start by identifying one or more buyer personas to target, so you need to make buyer personas a part of your planning process. (Textbook Chapter 13)
Continuing on write blogs that related to Biden's news and movement. Make sure give viewer the first hand news and keep them updated.
19. Blogs are now a mainstream vehicle for organizations to get their ideas into the marketplace. The readers of blogs view the information shared by smart bloggers as one of the few forms of real, authentic communication. Audiences consume advertising with skepticism and consider pronouncements by CEOs to be out of touch with reality. But a good blog written by someone within a large or small company, a nonprofit, a church, or a political campaign commands attention. (Textbook Chapter 17)
Video is also a big helpful tool here to promote Joe Biden and increase his awareness during the election. We are going to aim the mid class voters and black voters on couple videos.
20.Audio and video on the web are not new. Clips have been available on websites since the early days. But until recently, neither audio nor video was used much online because the content was difficult to locate and impossible to browse, and there was no easy way to get regular updates. And since much audio and video content was lengthy—as much as an hour or more—and people had no idea what was in these files without actually watching or listening to them, not many did.
Video is also a big helpful tool here to promote Joe Biden and increase his awareness during the election. We are going to aim the mid class voters and black voters on couple videos.
20.Audio and video on the web are not new. Clips have been available on websites since the early days. But until recently, neither audio nor video was used much online because the content was difficult to locate and impossible to browse, and there was no easy way to get regular updates. And since much audio and video content was lengthy—as much as an hour or more—and people had no idea what was in these files without actually watching or listening to them, not many did.
Final Project: Slogan and Logo
Email News Letter
Joe Biden Quote & AD
Joe Biden Quote & AD
Joe Biden 2016 Slogan
Go Further
Joe Biden 2016 logo
Bumper sticker
2016 Pin
14. The marketers at GoldenPalace.com also grab unusual advertising space sold on eBay, such oddities as a woman's cleavage, the opportunity to tattoo a logo on someone's forehead, and billboard space on the back of a person's wheelchair. (Textbook, Chapter 8)
15. Why email newsletter - Many companies devote extensive resources to their PR and media relations programs. Often, the results of these efforts are buried in a difficult-to-find news section of the company website. Consider rewriting your news releases in an easy-to-read paragraph or two and making it a section of your email newsletter for clients and prospects. Or establish RSS feeds to deliver your news to anyone who's interested. And don't forget your employees—if they know about your news, they can be your greatest evangelists. (Textbook, Chapter 19)
16. Online Banners - Throughout the site, widgets (small applications found on websites and blogs) and links are available for bloggers to use in helping spread the message. Prominent widgets include social bookmarking tools to add tags to StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Digg (to make it easier for people who use those sites to find information from NRDC). The site also offers independent bloggers and website owners virtual badges (graphical images that look like banner ads) that they add to their blog or site and then link back to NRDC to show support.
Final Project: Create what you would want the candidate to look like to the voter
"I can die a happy man never having been president of the United States of America. But it doesn't mean I won't run,"
"Can Biden compare to Hillary's outreach to African-Americans?" asked Scott Huffmon, professor of political science at Winthrop University, South Carolina.
"African-Americans are the absolute must-haves of the South Carolina Democratic Primary," he said, referring to a voting bloc that made up 56% of the party primary electorate in 2008.
"If I were to announce to run I have to be able to commit to all of you that I would be able to give it my whole heart and my whole soul and right now, both are pretty well banged up," Biden told DNC members on a conference call Wednesday, adding that he must decide whether he has the "emotional fuel" in him.
11.Of course, the staff and volunteers from the Obama campaign worked very closely with the bloggers who cover politics and provided them with valuable information that helped them to write better posts. While some enlightened organizations do focus on influencing important bloggers by reaching out to them, most have a policy of ignoring bloggers, even as they spend a great deal of effort attempting to cultivate relationships with members of the mainstream media. This is a mistake. Bloggers are important voices. Just ask the Obamacampaign—bloggers helped elect a president of the United States. (Textbook, Chapter 5)
How to make Black people vote for Biden become one of the most important thing if our VP runs for 2016 President election.
That's why I use "Go Further" as elect slogan is make black voters think Biden carries everything from President Obama and will continue doing the same stuff to help middle class voters.
Though the vice president could argue that he played a key role in Obama's decision to stay the deportations of millions of undocumented migrants through executive action, the Western desert state looks just as likely to underline the challenging questions that could dog his yet-to-be-launched primary campaign.
12. The Obama campaign example shows that making a concerted effort to integrate other bloggers' content into your own works very well. Although this example is from politics, similar strategies for engaging and influencing other bloggers can work for almost any organization. Another organization that's boldly working with bloggers is the New York Islanders professional ice hockey team. The team created what they call the Islanders Blog Box, a program that provides bloggers with press credentials for games. The program started at the beginning of the 2007–2008 season and was among the first of its kind for a major professional sports team. Each season, about a dozen bloggers are chosen to receive credentials, and the team links to their blogs from its site. ( Textbook, Chapter 5)
- Millionaires pay more; middle class pays less. (Oct 2012) - Middle class voter will vote for Biden.
- Labor unions have built the middle class and built America. (Sep 2014) - Middle class voters
- We can & will get unemployment under 6%. (Oct 2012) - Teens and Jobless people.
- H1-B visas only for jobs Americans can’t do. (Dec 2007) - All Americans.
- ObamaCare built on the best of our private insurance system. (Mar 2011) - Towards to poor Voters.
- I supported gay marriage and got criticized for saying so. (May 2013) - Gay and Liss voters.
- I accept church rule personally, but not in public life. (Oct 2012) - Spanish Voters
Final Project: Define your market and also the identity
No one else will bring the same passion, joy and knowledge to the office and people. And there is no one more deserving, more willing and more qualified to be our 45th President than Joseph R. Biden.
Whether it’s the issues we face today, or the challenges going forward, we believe there could be no stronger candidate in the race to lead us than Vice President Joe Biden. From his powerful role in the Obama administration to his years as a Senator from Delaware. But, before he can lead, we need to stand behind him.
Our VP Joe Biden is one of the most progressive VP in the history and we truly bevelive he can leads us in the future.
Forget the so-called gaffes and the late night comics jokes; Joe Biden is smart and singularly prepared to be President. As a Senator he was in the middle of most of the significant domestic and foreign policy issues of the last 30 plus years. He would also be respected by the Republicans. Senator John McCain called Vice President Biden one of the most consequential Vice Presidents ever. Senator Lindsey Graham gushed to the point of tearing up when talking about his personal affection for the Vice President despite their serious philosophical disagreements. Even Strom Thurmond had Joe Biden give his eulogy. This country is horribly divided. If a President Biden was able to at least talk with the Republican leadership in Congress we could begin to heal as a nation. Internationally, other than President Obama, there is no more respected or beloved figure than Joe Biden.
Whether it’s the issues we face today, or the challenges going forward, we believe there could be no stronger candidate in the race to lead us than Vice President Joe Biden. From his powerful role in the Obama administration to his years as a Senator from Delaware. But, before he can lead, we need to stand behind him.
10. On Election Day 2008, an amazing 25 percent of Barack Obama voters were already directly linked to him through social media, including blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites, according to the Nation. Putting aside politics and just considering the election from a marketing standpoint, I am absolutely convinced that Obama won the U.S. presidential election because he was the candidate who most strongly embraced social media. Way back before he even declared himself a candidate, Obama and his staff and volunteers jumped into the online world. (Textbook, Chapter 5)
Our VP Joe Biden is one of the most progressive VP in the history and we truly bevelive he can leads us in the future.
Forget the so-called gaffes and the late night comics jokes; Joe Biden is smart and singularly prepared to be President. As a Senator he was in the middle of most of the significant domestic and foreign policy issues of the last 30 plus years. He would also be respected by the Republicans. Senator John McCain called Vice President Biden one of the most consequential Vice Presidents ever. Senator Lindsey Graham gushed to the point of tearing up when talking about his personal affection for the Vice President despite their serious philosophical disagreements. Even Strom Thurmond had Joe Biden give his eulogy. This country is horribly divided. If a President Biden was able to at least talk with the Republican leadership in Congress we could begin to heal as a nation. Internationally, other than President Obama, there is no more respected or beloved figure than Joe Biden.
Joe Biden deserves it. There has been no more loyal friend and defender of this President. Also Joe Biden provided the needed Washington experience to a very green president in the early years. Both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have credited Vice President Biden for the intstances the Administration was able to work successfully with Congress.
18. You must do the same thing with your buyer personas. What do you want each group to believe about your organization? What messages will you use to reach them on the web? Remember, the best information is not just about your product. What is each buyer persona really buying from you? Is it great customer service? The safe choice? Luxury? For example, Volvo doesn't just sell a car; it sells safety. (Textbook, Chapter 11)
18. You must do the same thing with your buyer personas. What do you want each group to believe about your organization? What messages will you use to reach them on the web? Remember, the best information is not just about your product. What is each buyer persona really buying from you? Is it great customer service? The safe choice? Luxury? For example, Volvo doesn't just sell a car; it sells safety. (Textbook, Chapter 11)
Bernie Sanders is running to the far left of the Obama legacy in a way that will not likely be successful in a general election. Hillary Clinton is picking and choosing where she agrees with the Obama Administration and on some issues, like the Keystone Pipeline, is refusing to take a position. Only Joe Biden would provide a full-throated defense, in logic and spirit, of what arguably has been a Presidency as significant as FDR and LBJ on social programs and as important as Reagan in recalibrating the political debate of this country. Secretary Clinton may try to split the difference in defending this Administration. Both President Obama and the nation deserve better. Once and for all let there be a vote on Obama-Biden versus whoever the Republicans nominate. The best person to lead that debate is Joe Biden. Go look on youtube and she how good he was in the 2008 primary and how he easily dispatched Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the vice presidential general election debates. As a bonus, Joe Biden would be a happy warrior in the mold of Hubert Humphrey. In the era of Toxic Trump wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a candidate who talked up America rather than talking down to Americans?
19. And don't forget that different buyer personas buy different things from your organization. Think about Gatorade for a moment. For competitive athletes, Gatorade has been the drink of choice for decades. I found some interesting messages on the Gatorade website,including “If you want to win, you've got to replace what you lose” and “For some athletes, significant dehydration can occur within the initial 30 minutes of exercise.” These are interesting messages, because they target the buyer persona of the competitive athlete and focus on how Gatorade can help those athletes win.(Textbook, Chapter 11)
19. And don't forget that different buyer personas buy different things from your organization. Think about Gatorade for a moment. For competitive athletes, Gatorade has been the drink of choice for decades. I found some interesting messages on the Gatorade website,including “If you want to win, you've got to replace what you lose” and “For some athletes, significant dehydration can occur within the initial 30 minutes of exercise.” These are interesting messages, because they target the buyer persona of the competitive athlete and focus on how Gatorade can help those athletes win.(Textbook, Chapter 11)
Final Project: who am I aiming this campaign at?
We are going to target the following demographics (9):
Men–More Educated
Women-More Educated, Single
African Americans
Asian Americans
Native Americans
Young People under 34
Middle Aged People 35-54
Jews–Less Religious
Catholics–Less Religious
Secular Voters
Gays and Lesbians
Veterans–Young and Middle Age
College Graduates
Urban Residents
Suburban Voters
Civil Libertarians
Northeast and New England
Midwest Except Indiana and Missouri
Mountain States Of Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico
Pacific Coast and Hawaii
9. Smart marketers understand buyers, and many build formal “buyer personas” for their target demographics. It can be daunting for many of us to consider who, exactly, is visiting our site. But if we break the buyers into distinct groups and then catalog everything we know about each one, we make it easier to create content targeted to each important demographic. (Textbook Chapter 3)
Men–More Educated
Women-More Educated, Single
African Americans
Asian Americans
Native Americans
Young People under 34
Middle Aged People 35-54
Jews–Less Religious
Catholics–Less Religious
Secular Voters
Gays and Lesbians
Veterans–Young and Middle Age
College Graduates
Urban Residents
Suburban Voters
Civil Libertarians
Northeast and New England
Midwest Except Indiana and Missouri
Mountain States Of Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico
Pacific Coast and Hawaii
9. Smart marketers understand buyers, and many build formal “buyer personas” for their target demographics. It can be daunting for many of us to consider who, exactly, is visiting our site. But if we break the buyers into distinct groups and then catalog everything we know about each one, we make it easier to create content targeted to each important demographic. (Textbook Chapter 3)
Final Project: What you want to produce.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., represented Delaware for 36 years in the U.S. Senate before becoming the 47th and current Vice President of the United States.
We want to make as many people as possible vote for Biden with confidence.
We are going to focus more on PR and marketing thru new rules which means we are going to put a lot of works on social media and new medias to draw more voters for biden.
How to make your votes have confidences with the potential candidate and how to get the candidate's word out there?
We plan to use:
Website - Major information (5)
Facebook - Fan page, online promotion, new movement. (1) (2)
Twitter - Tweets, promotion, new movement and news. (1)
YouTube - Joe Biden's personal channel with all the speech video, ads before other video begins. (8)
Instagram - Fan page, promotion, new movement and news. (1)
Blogs - News, new information, new movement. (1) (3) (4)
Online ads - Promotion, target demographic
email newsletter - (7)
online voter guides
keywords in search engine - (6)
Why I have pick above elements to promote Joe Biden as our 2016 president candidates.
1. Social media provide the way people share ideas, content, thoughts, and relationships online. Social media differ from so-called mainstream media in that anyone can create, comment on, and add to social media content. Social media can take the form of text, audio, video, images, and communities. (Textbook Chapter 4)
2. “Social media like Facebook offer immediacy, freedom to be who you are, the opportunity to meet others who are similar, and to have a place to fit in. Event organizers must see beyond their immediate need to put ‘bums on seats’ for the next event and instead engage people to build support and loyalty over many years.” (Textbook Chapter 4)
3. Weblogs (blogs) have burst onto the content scene because the technology is such an easy and efficient way to get personal (or organizational) viewpoints out into the market. With easy-to-use blog software, anyone can create a professional-looking blog in just minutes. Most marketing and PR people know about blogs, and many are monitoring what's being said about their company, products, and executives on this relatively new medium. A significant number of people are also blogging for marketing purposes, some with amazing success. (Textbook Chapter 4)
4. The power of blog - It's fascinating that there are so few bloggers in the publishing industry, perhaps because publishers are cautious about giving content away for free, or maybe because large publishers feel threatened by blogs. But by starting a blog early and keeping the information flowing, Goldstein has positioned Alacra ahead of many information companies hundreds of times the size of Alacra. “Many publishers are still unsure about blogging, and very few are doing it,” Goldstein says. “Tom Glocer, CEO of Thomson Reuters, posts occasionally, but few other senior executives have blogs.” (Textbook Chapter 5)
5. A World Wide Rave is when people around the world are talking about you, your company, and your products—whether you're located in San Francisco, Dubai, or Reykjavík. It's when global communities eagerly link to your stuff on the web. It's when online buzz drives buyers to your virtual doorstep. And it's when tons of fans visit your website and your blog because they genuinely want to be there.
We'd like to make our voters talk about Jor all day and that's why we want to create a "U.S Wide Rave" about Biden.
6. Smith doesn't let keywords dominate how he writes, but he tries to be very aware of keywords and phrases and to insert key phrases, especially, into releases whenever he can. “We don't think that a single keyword works, but phrases are great, ” he says. “If people are doing a specific search, or one with company names that are in our release, then the goal is that they will find our news release.” (Textbook Chapter 7)
7. People often ask me: “How do you recommend that I create an effective ___?” (fill in the blank with blog, podcast, white paper, e-book, email newsletter, webinar, and so on). While the technologies for each form of online content are a little different, the one common aspect is that through all of these media, your organization can exercise thought leadership rather than simple advertising and product promotion; a well-crafted white paper, e-book, or webinar contributes to an organization's positive reputation by setting it apart in the marketplace of ideas. This form of content brands a company, a consultant, or a nonprofit as an expert and as a trusted resource. (Textbook Chapter 12)
7. People often ask me: “How do you recommend that I create an effective ___?” (fill in the blank with blog, podcast, white paper, e-book, email newsletter, webinar, and so on). While the technologies for each form of online content are a little different, the one common aspect is that through all of these media, your organization can exercise thought leadership rather than simple advertising and product promotion; a well-crafted white paper, e-book, or webinar contributes to an organization's positive reputation by setting it apart in the marketplace of ideas. This form of content brands a company, a consultant, or a nonprofit as an expert and as a trusted resource. (Textbook Chapter 12)
8. YouTube is already a central component of our activities, and we seek to utilize it even more.” (Textbook Chapter 3)
1) Why is the idea of real time so critical in marketing and in public relations?
In a world where speed and agility are now essential to success, most organizations still operate slowly and deliberately, cementing each step months in advance and responding to new developments through careful but time-consuming processes. Most companies could not have responded quickly to an opportunity in the way that Wynn Resorts did because they are operating under the old rules of controlled engagement planned well in advance. But the Internet has fundamentally changed the pace of business, compressing time and rewarding speed.
In a world where speed and agility are now essential to success, most organizations still operate slowly and deliberately, cementing each step months in advance and responding to new developments through careful but time-consuming processes. Most companies could not have responded quickly to an opportunity in the way that Wynn Resorts did because they are operating under the old rules of controlled engagement planned well in advance. But the Internet has fundamentally changed the pace of business, compressing time and rewarding speed.
2) How did real-time social media facilitate the record-breaking news about Felix Baumgartner’s balloon flight and skydive?
3) Provide an example of “real-time urgency.”
Real time means news breaks over minutes, not days. It's when people watch what's happening on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and cleverly insert themselves into stories. Real-time urgency is also important in customer service, where organizations fix issues instantly rather than taking the typical days or weeks to respond to a complaint. Real time means companies develop (or refine) products or services instantly, based on feedback from customers or events in the marketplace. In all aspects of business, anyone who sees an opportunity and becomes the first to act on it gains tremendous advantage.
Real time means news breaks over minutes, not days. It's when people watch what's happening on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and cleverly insert themselves into stories. Real-time urgency is also important in customer service, where organizations fix issues instantly rather than taking the typical days or weeks to respond to a complaint. Real time means companies develop (or refine) products or services instantly, based on feedback from customers or events in the marketplace. In all aspects of business, anyone who sees an opportunity and becomes the first to act on it gains tremendous advantage.
4) Why
won’t the traditional MBA-style approach of working from spreadsheets
to predict months into the future not meet some of today’s needs?
5) React to the following statement: “Speed prevails over size in the business environment.”
6) React to the following statement: “The real-time mind-set means we no longer have to plan for the future.”
7) What did Eloqua do when Oracle purchased one of Eloqua’s major competitors? How did its action illustrate a real-time response?
8) When does newsjacking become second nature?
9) How did AT&T utilize some of the results of the 2012 Summer Olympics to create real-time ads?
10) What do you think about the Calcutta police using Facebook to facilitate their efforts?
11) What are some ways to communicate instantly with the marketplace?
12) Why did Oakley’s donation of sunglasses result in $41 million in equivalent advertising?
13) Provide an example of how Twitter can be used to facilitate the real-time marketing of a product or service.
14) What are some ways to alert people about a story that is currently breaking concerning your company?
15) Why do you think speed regarding real-time engagement is more of an advantage to the smaller versus the larger firm?
16) Real-time
marketing and public relations can deliver decisive competitive
advantage to organizations that engage quickly. Using the examples in
this chapter for analogy, how can crowdsourcing be applied in a business
Just think—if crowdsourcing is powerful enough to bring together tens of thousands of people to help during a natural disaster or even force a government out of power, it has tremendous potential for any business. In mine, public speaking, I recently used the technique to create a new speaker video. At the MarketingSherpa Email Summit, a dozen people with handheld video cameras filmed me speaking, and I used those crowdsourced shots to make a new video to share with meeting planners
Just think—if crowdsourcing is powerful enough to bring together tens of thousands of people to help during a natural disaster or even force a government out of power, it has tremendous potential for any business. In mine, public speaking, I recently used the technique to create a new speaker video. At the MarketingSherpa Email Summit, a dozen people with handheld video cameras filmed me speaking, and I used those crowdsourced shots to make a new video to share with meeting planners
1) Who should provide input into the contents of a website?
2) Finish the following statement: "A great website is an intersection of . . ."
A great website is an intersection of every other online initiative, including podcasts, blogs, news releases, and other online media. In a cohesive and interesting way, the content-rich website organizes the online personality of your organization to delight, entertain, and—most important—inform each of your buyers.
A great website is an intersection of every other online initiative, including podcasts, blogs, news releases, and other online media. In a cohesive and interesting way, the content-rich website organizes the online personality of your organization to delight, entertain, and—most important—inform each of your buyers.
3) How has the NRDC made itself more approachable through web content and multimedia?
Within the news media that cover environmental issues on Capitol Hill, NRDC is very well known. But the site content, the audio and video, and the site components that are offered to bloggers to spread the message (and cause it to go viral) make the organization much more approachable, especially to online activists and the younger Facebook generation. The NRDC staffers are active participants in the market and on the sites and blogs their constituents read. All these efforts make their content authentic, because it is contextually appropriate for the audiences the group needs to reach.
Within the news media that cover environmental issues on Capitol Hill, NRDC is very well known. But the site content, the audio and video, and the site components that are offered to bloggers to spread the message (and cause it to go viral) make the organization much more approachable, especially to online activists and the younger Facebook generation. The NRDC staffers are active participants in the market and on the sites and blogs their constituents read. All these efforts make their content authentic, because it is contextually appropriate for the audiences the group needs to reach.
4) Why are the majority of websites built with the wrong focus?
Unfortunately, the vast majority of sites are built with the wrong focus. Yes, appearance and navigation are important: Appropriate colors, logos, fonts, and design make a site appealing. The right technologies, such as content-management systems, make sites easier to update. But what really matters is the content, how that content is organized, and how it drives action from buyers.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of sites are built with the wrong focus. Yes, appearance and navigation are important: Appropriate colors, logos, fonts, and design make a site appealing. The right technologies, such as content-management systems, make sites easier to update. But what really matters is the content, how that content is organized, and how it drives action from buyers.
5) How have small companies in small countries achieved success worldwide with their products via their web efforts?
I think there is an important lesson here. We can all learn from the successful companies in these small countries, companies that have learned to create content-rich websites to reach a global audience. And we can all reproduce their success. The marketplace is the outside world, not just your home city, state, or country.
I think there is an important lesson here. We can all learn from the successful companies in these small countries, companies that have learned to create content-rich websites to reach a global audience. And we can all reproduce their success. The marketplace is the outside world, not just your home city, state, or country.
6) How
has Textron achieved coordination of its websites, when it is a large
and diverse company with many different business units?
Garnsey has a set of processes and procedures to make certain that the Textron site meets the needs of buyers and that everything on it works well, and she has a small team that works with her to coordinate with the people who manage division and product company websites. “We have a content management process to make sure everything is fresh, has been reviewed, and is passed by legal,” she says. “But a primary component is that we make sure that the voice of the customer is captured and built into all of our electronic communications. We work on how to draw users into the content and use the site to form a relationship with them. Even if they don't purchase something from us right away, maybe they will become interested in the company stock or in something from one of the brands like Cessna.” To make sure the site follows best practice, Garnsey brings people into a lab for annual usability tests and research. “We also do an audit of all of our dot-com sites every year to make sure that all sites comply with the standards,” she says. “And each year we hold a web summit of all the Textron people working on web initiatives from all over the company. We try to foster a community of people who otherwise would have no reason to speak with each other because the individual businesses don't have a lot in common.”
Garnsey has a set of processes and procedures to make certain that the Textron site meets the needs of buyers and that everything on it works well, and she has a small team that works with her to coordinate with the people who manage division and product company websites. “We have a content management process to make sure everything is fresh, has been reviewed, and is passed by legal,” she says. “But a primary component is that we make sure that the voice of the customer is captured and built into all of our electronic communications. We work on how to draw users into the content and use the site to form a relationship with them. Even if they don't purchase something from us right away, maybe they will become interested in the company stock or in something from one of the brands like Cessna.” To make sure the site follows best practice, Garnsey brings people into a lab for annual usability tests and research. “We also do an audit of all of our dot-com sites every year to make sure that all sites comply with the standards,” she says. “And each year we hold a web summit of all the Textron people working on web initiatives from all over the company. We try to foster a community of people who otherwise would have no reason to speak with each other because the individual businesses don't have a lot in common.”
7) Complete and expand on the following statement: "The best websites . . ."
Thus, the best websites focus primarily on content to pull together their various buyers, markets, media, and products in one comprehensive place where content is not only king but president and pope as well. A great website is an intersection of every other online initiative, including podcasts, blogs, news releases, and other online media. In a cohesive and interesting way, the content-rich website organizes the online personality of your organization to delight, entertain, and—most important—inform each of your buyers.
Thus, the best websites focus primarily on content to pull together their various buyers, markets, media, and products in one comprehensive place where content is not only king but president and pope as well. A great website is an intersection of every other online initiative, including podcasts, blogs, news releases, and other online media. In a cohesive and interesting way, the content-rich website organizes the online personality of your organization to delight, entertain, and—most important—inform each of your buyers.
8) Why is creating a great website more of an art than a science?
Effective sites like Sasha's draw on the passion of the people who build them and reflect the personality of someone dedicated to helping others. As you develop content to further your organizational goals, remember that a successful approach is often more art than science. The content you offer must have distinctive qualities, and your personality needs to show. A well-executed website, like a high-quality television program or film, is a combination of content and delivery.
Effective sites like Sasha's draw on the passion of the people who build them and reflect the personality of someone dedicated to helping others. As you develop content to further your organizational goals, remember that a successful approach is often more art than science. The content you offer must have distinctive qualities, and your personality needs to show. A well-executed website, like a high-quality television program or film, is a combination of content and delivery.
9) What
is unique about the Turkish Basketball League player Sasha Vujacic? How
is his website different from the sites of other professional
basketball players?
Consider Sasha Vujacic:11 the official website of “The Machine,” a professional athlete fan page for the point guard/shooting guard of the New Jersey Nets. Sasha was a member of the Slovenian junior national team and was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2004 NBA draft. He played for the Lakers through 2010 and won two NBA championships with the team before moving to the Nets in the 2010–2011 season. The Sasha site is beautifully designed and contains a huge amount of information about the player, including videos, photos, and much more. And get this: There's content in multiple languages (English, Italian, Slovenian, and even Chinese and Japanese) because Sasha has fans from all over the world. His multilanguage content appeals to different buyer personas.
Consider Sasha Vujacic:11 the official website of “The Machine,” a professional athlete fan page for the point guard/shooting guard of the New Jersey Nets. Sasha was a member of the Slovenian junior national team and was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2004 NBA draft. He played for the Lakers through 2010 and won two NBA championships with the team before moving to the Nets in the 2010–2011 season. The Sasha site is beautifully designed and contains a huge amount of information about the player, including videos, photos, and much more. And get this: There's content in multiple languages (English, Italian, Slovenian, and even Chinese and Japanese) because Sasha has fans from all over the world. His multilanguage content appeals to different buyer personas.
1) What is a viral campaign?
marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to try to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks.
2) Why do you think Psy’s song and dancing have gone viral?
Youtube. Its funny and has its signature dance move.
3) When organizations set out to go viral, why do the vast majority of the campaigns fail?
Worse, some companies set up fake viral campaigns where people who are employed by the company or in some way compensated write about a product. The web is hyperefficient at collective investigative reporting and smoking out trickery, so these campaigns rarely succeed and may even cause great harm to reputations. Often a corporate approach is some gimmicky game or contest that just feels forced and advertisement-like. I think it is virtually impossible to create a web marketing program that is guaranteed to go viral. A huge amount of luck and timing are necessary. A sort of homemade feel seems to work, while slick and polished doesn't. For example, the Numa Numa Dance that was so popular several years ago was about as homemade as you can get—just a guy with a web camera on his computer—and it helped to popularize the song and sell a bunch of downloads.
4) How did Mentos benefit from social media to create viral buzz?
On the day that the Diet Coke and Mentos experiments went viral, there was a tenfold spike in the number of blog posts mentioning Mentos. If you follow the word Mentos, you'd want to know what was going on, so you could either respond to the crisis or leverage the positive development. At the least, you should learn the reason for the spike and alert company managers; when the Wall Street Journal calls for comment, “Huh?” is not the savviest response.
5) What is a World Wide Rave and what is required to trigger it?
A World Wide Rave is when people around the world are talking about you, your company, and your products—whether you're located in San Francisco, Dubai, or Reykjavík. It's when global communities eagerly link to your stuff on the web.
Many of the easy techniques for triggering a World Wide Rave are the exact opposite of what you've learned on the job or have been taught in school. Similarly, if you're a CEO, business owner, or entrepreneur, you should know that these ideas are likely precisely what your agency partners and marketing staff tell you not to do.
6) Briefly summarize the Rules of the Rave.
Homeowner Rich Ricciani decided to offer potential buyers a coupon good for $1 million off the price of his $7 million Fort Myers, Florida, home. He created a site for the coupon and placed it in newspapers in lieu of a typical real estate advertisement. This creative approach sure beat simply reducing the price of the home on the real estate Multiple Listing Service database.
11) How did Chuck Richard expose click fraud on search engines?
“At first we hinted at the report in our client newsletter,” says Chunk Richard, vice president and lead analyst at Outsell and the author of the report. “We always make certain that the paying clients get access to reports before they hit the media. But internally and with our PR firm, Warner Communications, we thought it was going to be big.” Outsell had a logistical problem in that the report was to be released to clients over the U.S. Independence Day holiday weekend. The PR firm sent a media advisory, headlined “Outsell, Inc. Pegs Click Fraud as $1.3 Billion Problem That Threatens Business Models of Google, Others; Study Shows 27% of Advertisers Slowing or Stopping Pay-Per-Click Ads Due to Fraudulent Billings,” to selected media. The advisory offered an early look at the report to approved media under an embargo period—stories could not appear until Wednesday, July 5, at the earliest. Verne Kopytoff of the San Francisco Chronicle spent the holiday weekend researching the problem identified by Outsell, interviewing Richard, and reaching out for comment from spokespeople at the search engines. His story, “Click Fraud a Huge Problem: Study Finds Practice Widespread; Many Cut Back Online Ads,” was the first to break.
marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to try to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks.
2) Why do you think Psy’s song and dancing have gone viral?
Youtube. Its funny and has its signature dance move.
3) When organizations set out to go viral, why do the vast majority of the campaigns fail?
Worse, some companies set up fake viral campaigns where people who are employed by the company or in some way compensated write about a product. The web is hyperefficient at collective investigative reporting and smoking out trickery, so these campaigns rarely succeed and may even cause great harm to reputations. Often a corporate approach is some gimmicky game or contest that just feels forced and advertisement-like. I think it is virtually impossible to create a web marketing program that is guaranteed to go viral. A huge amount of luck and timing are necessary. A sort of homemade feel seems to work, while slick and polished doesn't. For example, the Numa Numa Dance that was so popular several years ago was about as homemade as you can get—just a guy with a web camera on his computer—and it helped to popularize the song and sell a bunch of downloads.
4) How did Mentos benefit from social media to create viral buzz?
On the day that the Diet Coke and Mentos experiments went viral, there was a tenfold spike in the number of blog posts mentioning Mentos. If you follow the word Mentos, you'd want to know what was going on, so you could either respond to the crisis or leverage the positive development. At the least, you should learn the reason for the spike and alert company managers; when the Wall Street Journal calls for comment, “Huh?” is not the savviest response.
5) What is a World Wide Rave and what is required to trigger it?
A World Wide Rave is when people around the world are talking about you, your company, and your products—whether you're located in San Francisco, Dubai, or Reykjavík. It's when global communities eagerly link to your stuff on the web.
Many of the easy techniques for triggering a World Wide Rave are the exact opposite of what you've learned on the job or have been taught in school. Similarly, if you're a CEO, business owner, or entrepreneur, you should know that these ideas are likely precisely what your agency partners and marketing staff tell you not to do.
6) Briefly summarize the Rules of the Rave.
- Nobody cares about your products (except you). Yes, you read that right. What people do care about are themselves and ways to solve their problems. People also like to be entertained and to share in something remarkable. To have people talk about you and your ideas, you must resist the urge to hype your products and services. Create something interesting that will be talked about online. But don't worry—because when you're famous on the web, people will line up to learn more and to buy what you offer!
- No coercion required. For decades, organizations of all kinds have spent buckets of money on advertising designed to coerce people into buying products. Free shipping! This week only, 20 percent off! New and improved! Faster than the other guys! This product-centric advertising is not how you get people talking about you. When you've got something worth sharing, people will share it—no coercion required.
- Lose control. Here's a component that scares most people silly. You've got to lose control of your messages, you need to make your valuable online content totally free (and freely sharable), and you must understand that a world wide rave is not about generating sales leads. Yes, you can measure success, but not through business school ROI calculators.
- Put down roots. When I was a kid, my grandmother said, “If you want to receive a letter, you need to send a letter to someone first.” Then when I was in college, my buddies said, “If you want to meet girls, you have to go where the girls are.” The same thing is true in the virtual world of the web. If you want your ideas to spread, you need to be involved in the online communities of people who actively share.
- Create triggers that encourage people to share. When a product or service solves someone's problem or is very valuable, interesting, funny, or just plain outrageous, it's ready to be shared. To elevate your online content to the status of a World Wide Rave, you need a trigger to get people talking.
- Point the world to your (virtual) doorstep. If you follow the Rules of the Rave as I've described them, people will talk about you. And when they do, they'll generate all sorts of online buzz that will be indexed by the search engines, all relating to what your organization is up to. Forget about data-driven search engine technologies. The better approach to drive people to your stuff via the search engines is to create a World Wide Rave. As a result, your organization's websites will quickly rise to prominence in the rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and the other search engines.
7) How could somebody utilize Creative Commons to spread their ideas and any other type of information published on the web?
With a Creative Commons attribution for photos, blog posts, e-books, and other information published on the web, originators of works assert legal copyright ownership but also grant others free licenses to incorporate these works into new ones. That way, others can share, remix, use commercially, or otherwise mash up the content without asking explicit permission
With a Creative Commons attribution for photos, blog posts, e-books, and other information published on the web, originators of works assert legal copyright ownership but also grant others free licenses to incorporate these works into new ones. That way, others can share, remix, use commercially, or otherwise mash up the content without asking explicit permission
8) How did Ryan Gielen create buzz for the movie The Graduates?
it was with great interest that I had an opportunity to connect with Ryan Gielen, executive producer of The Graduates,to learn about his strategy of making the soundtrack of his film available for free download. The Graduates is an award-winning comedy about four friends who head to the beach without a care in the world. Prior to release, the film had been developing a loyal following among the 18- to 34-year-old demographic following a dozen sold-out festival and sneak preview screenings. It had been advertised solely by word-of-mouth and a free soundtrack download.
it was with great interest that I had an opportunity to connect with Ryan Gielen, executive producer of The Graduates,to learn about his strategy of making the soundtrack of his film available for free download. The Graduates is an award-winning comedy about four friends who head to the beach without a care in the world. Prior to release, the film had been developing a loyal following among the 18- to 34-year-old demographic following a dozen sold-out festival and sneak preview screenings. It had been advertised solely by word-of-mouth and a free soundtrack download.
9) What are
the odds of creating a successful viral buzz for a product, service, and
so on, and why are the odds so discouraging?
Viral marketing—creating a world wide rave by having others tell your story for you—is one of the most exciting and powerful ways to reach your audiences. It's not easy to harness the power, but with careful preparation when you are sitting on news and with clever ideas for what has the potential to create interest, any organization has the power to become famous on the web.
10) What social media were used in creating viral buzz for the $7 million home in Fort Myers, Florida? Viral marketing—creating a world wide rave by having others tell your story for you—is one of the most exciting and powerful ways to reach your audiences. It's not easy to harness the power, but with careful preparation when you are sitting on news and with clever ideas for what has the potential to create interest, any organization has the power to become famous on the web.
Homeowner Rich Ricciani decided to offer potential buyers a coupon good for $1 million off the price of his $7 million Fort Myers, Florida, home. He created a site for the coupon and placed it in newspapers in lieu of a typical real estate advertisement. This creative approach sure beat simply reducing the price of the home on the real estate Multiple Listing Service database.
11) How did Chuck Richard expose click fraud on search engines?
“At first we hinted at the report in our client newsletter,” says Chunk Richard, vice president and lead analyst at Outsell and the author of the report. “We always make certain that the paying clients get access to reports before they hit the media. But internally and with our PR firm, Warner Communications, we thought it was going to be big.” Outsell had a logistical problem in that the report was to be released to clients over the U.S. Independence Day holiday weekend. The PR firm sent a media advisory, headlined “Outsell, Inc. Pegs Click Fraud as $1.3 Billion Problem That Threatens Business Models of Google, Others; Study Shows 27% of Advertisers Slowing or Stopping Pay-Per-Click Ads Due to Fraudulent Billings,” to selected media. The advisory offered an early look at the report to approved media under an embargo period—stories could not appear until Wednesday, July 5, at the earliest. Verne Kopytoff of the San Francisco Chronicle spent the holiday weekend researching the problem identified by Outsell, interviewing Richard, and reaching out for comment from spokespeople at the search engines. His story, “Click Fraud a Huge Problem: Study Finds Practice Widespread; Many Cut Back Online Ads,” was the first to break.
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