Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Week 3 EOC: Questions and Answers

1)      When the author refers to “yesterday’s headache,” what is he referring to?

      Mainstream media is still important, but today smart marketers craft compelling information and tell the world directly via the web. The tremendous expense of relying on advertising to convince buyers to pay attention to your organization, ideas, products, and services is yesterday's headache.

2)      What social media tool did Laguna Beach utilize to deal with their trash problem?

Facebook,   “We started to tackle the problem with a Facebook fan page for ZeroTrash Laguna and quickly built it to hundreds of members.”

3)      Why did Century 21 shift millions of dollars from TV to the web?

     “We are moving our advertising investments to the mediums that have the greatest relevance to our target buyers and sellers, and to where the return on our investment is most significant,” says Bev Thorne, chief marketing officer at Century 21. “In 2008, we found that our online investments provided a return that was substantively higher than our more traditional TV media investments.” Thorne and her team learned that people who are in the market to buy or sell a home rely heavily on the web and that the closer they get to a real estate transaction, the more they use online resources. “We are beginning to embrace LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Active Rain, and others,” Thorne says. “YouTube is already a central component of our activities, and we seek to utilize it even more.” 

4)      What are some ways companies can use social media to highlight their companies and expertise?

      In the new e-marketplace of ideas, organizations highlight their expertise in various forms, such as great websites, podcasts, blogs, e-books, and online news releases that focus on buyers' needs. All these media allow organizations to deliver the right information to buyers, right at the point when they are most receptive to the information. The tools at our disposal as marketers are web-based media to deliver our own thoughtful and informative content via websites, blogs, e-books, white papers, images, photos, audio content, video, and even things like product placement, games, and virtual reality.

5)      The author compares big-budget advertising efforts versus the needs of niche audiences. How is offline advertising compared to online social media promotion?

All people and organizations possess the power to elevate themselves on the web to a position of importance. In the new e-marketplace of ideas, organizations highlight their expertise in various forms, such as great websites, podcasts, blogs, e-books, and online news releases that focus on buyers' needs.

6)      How has the Lodge at Chaa Creek attracted customers?

    Our guests and online audience might notice the Chaa Creek Cares watermark appearing more frequently this year. Many people did not realise that 10% of all accommodation revenues at Chaa Creek go directly into social and environmental programs or contributions, and we’ve received comments suggesting that we let guests know how some of their money is used. It’s very gratifying that our guests appreciate Chaa Creek’s commitment to responsible travel, and that a significant portion of what they spend with us goes back into the local environment and communities. We are very happy that Chaa Creek continues to attract people who care, and we invite you to read on about some of our initiatives. (http://www.chaacreek.com/about-chaa-creek/conservation)

7)      How can social media help promote colleges and universities?

      A well-executed college site might target five distinct buyer personas, with the goal of getting alumni to donate money, high school students to complete the application process, and parents to make certain their kids complete it. The goals for the current student aspects of the site might be making certain they come back for another year, plus answering routine questions so that staff time is not wasted.

8)      The author says that in order to implement a successful social media strategy, the company must think like a publisher. Discuss.

      To implement a successful strategy, think like a publisher. Marketers at the organizations successfully using the new rules recognize that they are now purveyors of information, and they manage content as a valuable asset with the same care that a publishing company does. One of the most important things that publishers do is start with a content strategy and then focus on the mechanics and design of delivering that content.

9)      How do visitors to websites respond when they receive something of value?

      When visitors receive something of value, as they do on Beating Gout, they become eager to do business with the company that helped and educated them.

10)   Why do many marketers not have established goals for their marketing programs?

      It is amazing that so many marketers don't have established goals for their marketing programs and for websites and blogs in particular. And they often cannot articulate who their buyers are and what problems they solve for them. An effective web marketing and PR strategy that delivers compelling content to buyers gets them to take action. 

11)   Why is meaningful content so important in developing social media tactics?

      Content brands an organization as a thought leader. Indeed, many organizations create content especially to position them as thought leaders in their market. Instead of just directly selling something, a great site, blog, or podcast series tells the world that you are smart, that you understand the market very well, and that you might be a person or organization that would be valuable to do business with.

12)   Outline what Trinity Cathedral is doing to stay relevant and current with its members.